Club Registration and Class Signup

Instructions to sign up for the 614 Wrestling Club:

  1. Use the above window or go to
  2. Click on the “Packs” page icon on the top black bar
  3. Start by purchasing the “Membership Fee” by clicking on “Buy Package” (Currently, 1 per family required per year)
  4. Set up an account as prompted (name provided should be wrestler’s) and provide credit card payment for the membership fee
  5. For Drop-in classes only, you can now buy individual classes from the “Classes” page
  6. For Full or Half Season go back to the “Packs” page and select the “1st Wrestler – Spring Session” or “Half Spring Session – 1st Wrestler package to buy

                                          i.    For families with only 1 wrestler in the program, if you are ready to sign up for classes in advance you can do so at this time or your wrestler can just show up and we will mark attendance for credit usage at each session

For families with more than 1 wrestler, half and full season packages for 2nd wresters and beyond are discounted but with the system it becomes a little more complicated so please follow the steps below closely:

  1. The software that we are using limits 1 user per email address so you will need to make an email alias for each additional child
  2. For example if your email address is, make an alias of for your 2nd wrestler and for your 3rd wrestler, etc.

                                          i. This has been tested for Gmail, iCloud/Apple, Outlook, and Hotmail and all emails from us will still be sent to the base email of

  1. After registering new alias emails, you can add the next package for each wrestler to buy
  2.  If you are ready to sign up for classes in advance you can do so at this time or your wrestlers can just show up and we will mark attendance for credit usage at each session

Our goal is for participation right now, so please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions, concerns about costs, etc.  We will try our best to accommodate.